Meet the core team of SGS

A team of 6 seasoned soldiers sharing the same resentment
towards the corrupt Galactic Government

1 / Human Mercenary Male:

  • Name: Arthur Tedjlov
  • Race: Human
  • Planet of Birth: Earth
  • Profession: Elite Soldier
  • Special Ability: Force Shield

Description: He was once part of the Galactic Armed Forces where he sharpened his skills. That's only after a mission went sideways that he understood the terrible yolk that the Galactic Government had over the populations of the galaxy. He decided to retire from its active duty and eventually landed on this recently discovered planet: Prosopopia-B21. Where he decided to settle with some of the early migrants from all over the galaxy who heard about this secret location

2 / Alien Mercenary:

  • Name: Ugra
  • Race: Tulsgorn
  • Planet of Birth: Argon
  • Profession: Mercenary
  • Special Ability: Incineration

Description: Who would have thought that this Mercenary, who couldn't care less about the job as long as he would get paid, would end up taking the side of the rebels here on Prosopopia-B21. He lost his entire crew on the planet after the Galactic Government double crossed him and made him the scapegoat. ow an outlaw, and after quite a long run, he decided to join forces with the settlers.

3 / Alien Bounty Hunter:

  • Name: Kraj'in
  • Race: Nazd'yck
  • Planet of Birth: Lipod
  • Profession: Bounty Hunter
  • Special Ability: Invincibility

Description: He's  not been very picky with his bounties over his years of being active. Just getting the job done to get the reward, at any means. But tit's when a bounty led him on Posopopia-B21 that he discovered the Galactic Government plot to take over his home planet. He decided to free his bounty and join the settlers.

4 / Alien Smuggler:

  • Name: Leemash
  • Race: Gastarian
  • Planet of birth: Isseu
  • Profession: Smuggler
  • Special Ability: Sidekick Orb Shooter

Description: He was just a simple guy smuggling whatever goods or people that his employer needed. Until he decided to accept a gig from an undercover agent of the Galactic Government... Unknowingly carrying a top secret cargo, he luckily crashed on Prosopopia-b21. Discovering that he was carrying some hidden mass destruction weapon meant to eradicate the population of an entire planet, he decided to lay low and help the settlers.

  • 5 /  Alien Infantry Trooper

  • Name: Krank
  • Race: Braark
  • Planet of birth: Yarga
  • Profession: Healer
  • Special Ability: Regeneration

Description: The Galactic Government decided to send its armed forces on his native planet to take over all the resources while also enslaving his people. After a few years of slavery and having witnessed all the atrocities perpetrated by the Galactic Government on his people. He managed to escape and join a group of rebels heading to Prosopopia-B21.

6 / Alien War Veteran:

  • Name: Ceran
  • Race: Rhienolph
  • Planet of birth: Grog
  • Profession: Bodyguard
  • Special Ability: Mega Blast

Description: He's been once of the best bodyguard out there. He would protect countless personalities among the Galactic Government. Always staying at his place and never overstepping the boundaries. The perfect bodyguard! Unfortunately he happened to be the witness of some corrupt Galactic Government's dignitaries discussing the take over other planets' resources. Become now a liability for the Galactic Government that had to be eliminated , he decided to flee and eventually landed on Prosopopia-B21 where he decided to hide and help the settlers.