Check out some of vehicles that the players will be able to ride during Campaign or Arena

1 / Light Biped Mech:


LBM-209x is a  Light bipedal mech unit destined to operate with one single weapon attached to its turret. It has a good maneuverability and is pretty light weight despite its pretty thick armor. Ideal for most terrain, this mech will make itself a mush have in some uncertain situation where a single soldier would not carry enough fire power

2 / Biped Mech


HBM-2x is a  heavy bipedal mech unit which is meant for theater of operation requiring heavier fire power. Despite its weight the machine is pretty smooth to ride. The two side turrets can each carry a weapon that can be fired at the same time. This unit is meant for situation where its fire power can put to good use. Bigger aggressive alien life forms don't stand a chance against such a mech

3 / Quadraped Mech


HQM-2x is a four legged mech. This improved version of HBM-2x is more stable and has a thicker armor. When it comes to tackling the most dangerous and uncertain situation this machine clearly comes to mind. Despite being heavier than the HBM-2x is is as handy to maneuver and carry the same amount of fire power.

4 / Light Melee Mech


LMM-2Lx is clearly the mech of choice when it comes to maneuverability! Its light weight and smaller size make it a must have in smaller areas. It carries two weapons destined to close combat. Certain units can also be modded to carry shooting weapons. Ideal in situation where things need to be handled closely, this unit is a breeze to drive and operate to eliminate close range pests.

5 / Mining Mech


MMU-2x is huge unit used in mines and drilling areas. This mech is mostly used to dig and reshape faces of mountains however it has been used several times as a close combat unit delivering powerful melee attacks with its digger and drill. Its bigger size and robustness make it a safe haven if you're attacked by some unexpected pests.